Sitemap - 2022 - Dispatches - The VII Insider Blog

Representing Atrocity: Ismar Cirkinagic's "Herbarium"

The Persuasions of Disobedience: Ana María Lagos

Digging the Dark

The Circle of My Flesh

Exhumations in Ukraine, elections in the United States, and the climate crisis - Chatting the Pictures

Visual Journalism in the Age of Authoritarianism - What Can and Should You Do?

A Masked Profession: Federico Estol’s "Shine Heroes"

The Visual Framing of Ukraine, US Politics, and the Climate Crisis - Chatting the Pictures

The Impact of Images, Part III: Making Visible Is Not Enough

Amazon Dystopia: Lalo de Almeida in Conversation With Leonardo Carrato

Feeling Out the Past: Graciela Iturbide’s "Heliotropo 37"

Icons of War, From Iraq to Ukraine

Analysing Images of the War in Ukraine - Chatting the Pictures

Pablo Hare: Sites of Exploitation in Peru

The Impact of Images Part II: Insights from Experiments on the Identifiable Victim Effect

Social media and photojournalism: the interplay of images from the war in Ukraine

Dispatch from the Poland/Ukraine Border - Maciek Nabrdalik

Dispatch from Ukraine - Ilvy Njiokiktjien

Chatting the Pictures - Ron Haviv's Coverage of The Evacuation of Irpin and the Ukrainian Resistance

Dispatch from Ukraine - Eric Bouvet

Dispatch from Ukraine no.2 - Ron Haviv

Dispatch from Ukraine - Ron Haviv

A Journey Into My Archive - Episode 6

The Possibilities of the Actual: Adriana Lestido’s “Metropolis”

A Journey Into My Archive - Episode 5

A Journey Into My Archive - Episode 4

A Journey Into My Archive - Episode 3